Working Papers
Manuscripts Under Review:
- Krasovskaia, E., B.J. Rickard, B. Ellison, B. McFadden, N. Wilson. 2023. Food labeling: ingredient exemptions and product claims.
- Oleschuk, M., H. Choi, B. Ellison, M.P. Prescott. 2023. Cooking self-efficacy and attitude among people living alone and implications for nutrition security: a cross-sectional survey analysis.
- Hyink, J., B.R. McFadden, B. Ellison. 2023. Potential consumer response to the healthy symbol proposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
- Palmer, S., I. Ciubotariu, R. Ofori, M. Saenz, B. Ellison, M.P. Prescott. 2023. School nutrition stakeholders' perceived utility of MealSim, an agent-based model of the school nutrition environment.